Green fishing float. Glass ball in braided hemp net.
Until the 1950s fishermen attached these to their nets to keep them afloat while they drifted with the current.
Lends a decorative marine touch.
Green fishing float. Glass ball in braided hemp net.
Until the 1950s fishermen attached these to their nets to keep them afloat while they drifted with the current.
Lends a decorative marine touch.
Green decorative fishing float. Glass ball in braided hemp net. Until the 1950s fishermen attached these to their nets to keep them afloat while they drifted with the current.Lends a decorative marine touch.
Transparent fishing float. Glass ball in braided hemp net. Until the 1950s fishermen attached these to their nets to keep them afloat while they drifted with the current. Lends a decorative marine touch.
Small ship's bell in brass with decorative ship's wheel and hemp lanyard. In the past this essential instrument was used to organise life on board by regulating the duty watches. It was also used as an alarm bell in thick fog and to mark celebrations.
Miniature reproduction of a marine grapnel anchor. Brass finish. In your library, on your coffee table or in your office it will be a beautiful decorative element of nautical style.
Red cotton fishing net edged with floats attached with hemp rope.For a decorative marine touch. This item measures 340 x 340cm.
Campana de a bordo en latón con su cuerda para accionar el badajo. En tiempos remotos fue un instrumento vital, pues servía de alarma en situaciones de niebla intensa, celebrar algún acontecimiento con su repique y sobretodo, regular la vida a bordo picando la hora para marcar los cuartos de guardia.