Green fishing float. Glass ball in braided hemp net.
Until the 1950s fishermen attached these to their nets to keep them afloat while they drifted with the current.
Lends a decorative marine touch.
Green fishing float. Glass ball in braided hemp net.
Until the 1950s fishermen attached these to their nets to keep them afloat while they drifted with the current.
Lends a decorative marine touch.
Fish trap with three wicker rings. Widely used in ponds, particularly for cat-fish fishing, and in the Mediterranean for groundfish and crabs.Attractive decorative piece lends a marine touch.
Ecru cotton fishing net edged with floats attached with hemp rope.For a decorative marine touch.
Transparent fishing float. Glass ball in braided hemp net. Until the 1950s fishermen attached these to their nets to keep them afloat while they drifted with the current. Lends a decorative marine touch.
Ecru cotton fishing net edged with floats attached with hemp rope.For a decorative marine touch. 170 x 170cm
Aquamarine decorative fishing float. Glass ball in braided hemp net. Until the 1950s fishermen attached these to their nets to keep them afloat while they drifted with the current.Lends a decorative marine touch.
Turquoise blue decorative nautical fishing buoy. Reproduction of an old floating fishing buoy that consisted of a glass ball wrapped in a braided rope. It was used until the 1950s. These floats were attached to fishing nets to stay on the surface as they drifted through the current. Give a marine style to your home!
Monkey's fist knot in cotton. An ornamental knot used as a rope end finish, the monkey's fist also serves as a weight, making a rope easier to throw.Use as a doorstop for a marine touch indoors.
Miniature decorative anchor in solid wood with hemp rope for hanging on a wall, to lend a marine touch.
Aquamarine decorative nautical fishing buoy. Reproduction of an old floating fishing buoy that consisted of a glass ball wrapped in a braided rope. It was used until the 1950s. These floats were attached to fishing nets to stay on the surface as they drifted through the current. Give a marine style to your home!
Decoration mirror lifebuoy inspired by a real lifebuoy. Made in porexpan and covered with a cotton canvas. The cotton rope tied around it is used to grip.
Blue fishing float. Glass ball in braided hemp net. Until the 1950s fishermen attached these to their nets to keep them afloat while they drifted with the current.Lends a decorative marine touch.