Decorative model of a mediterranian boat. The llaüt is small sailing boat typical from the island of Menorca. It's stability in the water makes it the perfect vessel for recreational sailing or for past-time fishing. The first builder of the llaüts were knows as "mestres d'aixa" [master ship carpinters].
Made in wood, painted and built entirely by hand.
Bonita maqueta náutica de barco del mediterráneo. El llaüt es un pequeño barco de vela latina típico de la isla de Menorca. Su estabilidad en el agua le convierte en una embarcación perfecta para la navegación de recreo o la pesca deportiva. Los primeros constructores de llaüts eran conocidos como "mestres d'aixa".
Realizada en madera, pintada y montada de forma artesanal. Embalaje en caja individual.
Small model of a "llaüt" fishing boat. An original souvenir gift! Made of wood, assembled and painted by hand.
Typical basque boat originally created for tuna fishing. They are characterized by a raised prow that protects them from the battering of the waves.Fully assembled model. Hand-painted and handmade from wood.
Decorative model of a mediterranian boat. The llaüt is small sailing boat typical from the island of Menorca. It's stability in the water makes it the perfect vessel for recreational sailing or for past-time fishing. The first builder of the llaüts were knows as "mestres d'aixa" [master ship carpinters]. Made in wood, painted and built entirely by hand.
Thoniers (XIXth century) were designed with tuna fishing in mind. Originating in Brittany (France), they are traditional maritime symbols. Their unique shape allowed fishermen to quickly return to port and sell their haul.Fully assembled model. Hand-painted and handmade from wood. Sizes: 51,5x56,6x11 cm.
Typical basque boats originally created for tuna fishing. They are characterized by a raised prow that protects them from the battering of the waves. Set of two dully assembled models. Hand-painted and handmade from wood. The price is per two units.
Fishing boat used predominantly for fishing crabs, spider crabs and lobsters.Model boat hand made in wood.