Sailor with pipe, an original decoration for your home. Made from resin and hand painted.
Marinero de estilo realista con su pipa. Figurina moldeada en resina y pintada a mano.
Decorative figure of a wooden seabird. Reproduction of a bird inspired by the Curlew, which is found in humid areas, rivers, wetlands or coastal areas. Create a nautical atmosphere in your home by combining several sea bird figurines. This figure is made of wood and metal. It is hand painted. Measurements: 19.5x21x7cm
Three beautiful hand-painted decorative fish in sailor colors. A summer note in your home. Made of solid wood. They are sold by sets of 3 units. The price is unit.
School of fish made of wood. Original decorative object of marine inspiration. You'll love it !
Beautiful figure of an elegant swimmer from the thirties. It brings a breath of sea air to the decoration of any home. Made of resin and hand painted. Sizes: 17x28x9 cm.
School of fish with red, sky blue and navy marine goldfish. Original decorative object of marine inspiration. You'll love it ! Made of wood and hand painted. The ring is metal.
Beautiful pair of elegant swimmer figurines from the thirties. They bring a breath of sea air to the decoration of any home. Made in resin and painted by hand. The price corresponds to the purchase of the two figures. If you wish to order them, enter 1 set in the quantity window. Figurine 1: 9x24x14 cm / Figurine 2: 17x18x9.2 cm.