Lovely figure of a whale made in wood with a rustic finish. It will bring a fun touch to your home’s decoration.
Lovely figure of a whale made in wood with a rustic finish. It will bring a fun touch to your home’s decoration.
Original rustic-looking decorative nautical whale tail made from carved wood. As it is a handmade artisan object, each tail is unique. A touch of sea decoration in your home.
School of fish with red, sky blue and navy marine goldfish. Original decorative object of marine inspiration. You'll love it ! Made of wood and hand painted. The ring is metal.
Lovely rustic figure of a turtle made in wood. It will bring a touch of nautical decoration to your home.
Original decorative nautical shell with a rustic appearance made from carved wood. As it is a handmade artisan object, each piece is unique. A touch of nautical decoration in your home.
Original decorative nautical starfish with a rustic look made from carved wood. As it is a handmade artisan object, each piece is unique. A touch of marine decoration in your home.
Original decorative nautical starfish with a rustic look made from carved wood. As it is a handmade artisan object, each piece is unique. A touch of marine decoration in your home.
Decorate your home with a sea air with these 3 beautiful starfish. They are wonderful ! The price corresponds to the set of the 3 stars. Made of resin and tied with a hemp rope.
Lovely rustic figure of a turtle made in wood. It will bring a touch of nautical decoration to your home.
3 MARINE STARS. 1, 2, 3 beautiful decorative starfish made of resin and tied with a hemp rope.
Original collection object to use as a paperweight or as a simple decoration object. Made in glass. Add the LIGHT BASE ref MA545028 to 6.90 euros extra and the jellyfish lights up. It is beautiful!
Figura de un pirata con el loro en su hombro. Realizada en resina y pintada a mano.