Pretty whale-shaped keychain, it is the nautical accessory for your keys.
Handmade in metal in Spain.
Pretty whale-shaped keychain, it is the nautical accessory for your keys.
Handmade in metal in Spain.
Keychain with a marine anchor attached to a cotton rope. Made of nickel and mounted with a hoop.
Marine keychain made of old brass mounted with a threaded carabiner clasp.
Beautiful keyring inspired in the nautical "monkey fist" knot. The monkey fist is a type of ornament knot used to finish the end of a rope. It is also used to give weight to a rope and facilitate the launch of it. Made of polyester.
Beautiful keyring inspired in the nautical "monkey fist" knot. The monkey fist is a type of ornament knot used to finish the end of a rope. It is also used to give weight to a rope and facilitate the launch of it. Made in polyester.
Keyring "fish bone" in wood.
Nautical bell keychain. Made of zinc and mounted with a hoop.