The telescope appeared between the 16th and 17th centuries in the Netherlands. Its development is credited to Hans Lippershey and in its early stages was mainly used by sailors and naturalists.
Reproduction four-tube telescope in antiqued brass. Comes with leather case
The telescope appeared between the 16th and 17th centuries in the Netherlands. Its development is credited to Hans Lippershey and in its early stages was mainly used by sailors and naturalists.
Reproduction four-tube telescope in antiqued brass. Comes with leather case
Let's go fishing! Decorative fishing trap made of braided wicker with an inverted funnel-shaped armor inside which baits are placed to catch the fish, especially rock fish. Nice object of nautical decoration. The indicated price corresponds to the purchase of a single fishing trap.
Ecru cotton fishing net edged with floats attached with hemp rope.For a decorative marine touch. 170 x 170cm
This elegant IMEX barometer analyses pressure variations allowing it to predict the weather.
BRUNTON Pocket Transit compass. Working reproduction of the pocket transit compass invented by mining engineer D.W Brunton in 1894.Brass compass presented in lovely rosewood box with brass anchor motif inlay. The two rotating bubble levels give the declination angle reading. The needle is automatically blocked when the lid is closed.
IMEX MARINE tide indicator, a great benchmark in quality measurement devices. With a single glance, this elegant tide indicator IMEX offers you the hour and the level of the tides throughout the year. Once you receive the instrument, adjust it to the tide times of the place where you are during the full moon. The tide indicator only needs to be adjusted...
Brass "Engineering" compass and acacia wood box with anchor motif.
Antiqued brass compass with glass magnifier and rosewood box.
IMEX barometer, a great benchmark in quality measurement devices. This elegant IMEX barometer analyses pressure variations allowing it to predict the weather. Made with brass plated metal. Made in Spain. Guaranteed 1 year. 11.5x3.5x11.5 cm.