Sextant in old brass with a leather case and screen-printed glass lid.
Sextant in old brass with a leather case and screen-printed glass lid.
The sextant was designed for sea navigation. It allows to obtain the angular height of the sun over the horizon. It was invented in the 1730s by two people: John Hadley (1682-1744), English mathematician, and Thomas Godfrey (1704-1749), an American inventor. He quickly replaced the astrolabe and octant as the main instrument for navigation. The sextant consists of a small telescope, to look at the horizon, two mirrors (which reflect the image of the object), filters (for the sun), a movable arm and a graduated circle arc. The opening angle is 60º, one sixth of a circle, hence the name of the instrument.
Elegant nautical-inspired compass made of zinc alloy. Its lid is decorated with an intricate design and the bottom has a compass rose printed on it. This nautical piece is an original gift idea, an instrument with which directions were determined at open sea.
Elegant brass sandglass. It runs for around five minutes.
IMEX Marine barometer, a great benchmark in quality measurement devices. This elegant IMEX Marine barometer analyses pressure variations allowing it to predict the weather. Made of brass. Made in Spain. Guaranteed 1 year. 11.5x3.5x11.5cm.
SHIP'S WHEEL CLOCK. Nautical clock with international flags that decorate the dial, made in brass.
Surprise your visitors with this original nautical-inspired door bell made of iron and painted in a rustic finish. You'll love it!
Decorative theolodite with compass in brass and acacia wood.