The Columbia (1899) was the first sailing boat to win the America's Cup twice running (in 1899 and 1901). The Columbia's plans were drawn up by American naval architect Nathanael Herreshoff for John Pierpont Morgan and Edwin Dennison Morgan of the New York Yacht Club.
Decorative handcrafted model boat in wood, hand painted.
The Columbia (1899) was the first sailing boat to win the America's Cup twice running (in 1899 and 1901). The Columbia's plans were drawn up by American naval architect Nathanael Herreshoff for John Pierpont Morgan and Edwin Dennison Morgan of the New York Yacht Club.
Decorative handcrafted model boat in wood, hand painted.
THREE DECORATIVE SAILBOATS Set of 3 models of nautical sailboats, made of wood and with cotton sails. If you are a lover of sailing, you will love this set of three sailboats. Painted in different shades of blue, they combine with each other and will give a nautical touch to your home decoration. The price corresponds to a set of 3 sailboats....
The Endeavour (1934) was built to class J rules to sail in the 1934 America's Cup. She was commissioned by Sir Tom Sopwith and built by Camper & Nicholson in Gosport (England), who used aviation technology to give her more speed. Handcrafted sailing boat in wood. Packaging: Dismantled mast.
The Atlantic (1903) is a 54 m three-mast schooner designed by William Gardner for New York Yacht Club member Wilson Marsall. She won the emperor William II of Germany transatlantic Kaiser's Cup in 1905 setting a crossing record of 12 days, 4 hours and 1 minute.She ended her days as a Coast Guards training ship from 1941 to 1947, defore being broken...
The Cutty Sark (1869) is a clipper-type sailing ship. It is preserved as a museum ship in a dry dock in Greenwich. The clipper is was a merchant sailing ship, designed for speed. Created in the coast of east Amercia, the clipper had it's hayday in mid XIX century travelling the trade routes to tea and cotton for the British Empire and the passage from New...
El velero Columbia (1899) fue el primer velero en ganar la Copa de América dos veces seguidas (en 1899 y en 1901). Los planos del Columbia fueron diseñados por el arquitecto americano Nathanael Herreshoff para John Pierpont Morgan y Edwin Dennison Morgan del New York Yacht Club. Maqueta decorativa de un velero realizado en madera, pintado y barnizado....
The training ship Juan Sebastián Elcano (1929) It is a four-masted topsail, steel-hulled barquentine. Right now it is the third largest tall ship in the world and is the sailing vessel that has sailed the furthest. The name comes from the spanish explorer Juan Sebastián Elcano, the man who completed the first circumnavigation of the world and was the...