The Soleil Royal (1669) was a French war ship built in the Brest naval shipyards. An 80 gun second-rate ship of the line, her moment of glory came on 29 May 1692 when she sailed out to sea at Barfleur point with a 45 ship squadron. Captained by Admiral Tourville, she defeated 97 English and Dutch ships. Decoration model in wood with high quality finishes, varnished and fully assembled by hand.
The Soleil Royal (1669) was a French war ship built in the Brest naval shipyards. An 80 gun second-rate ship of the line, her moment of glory came on 29 May 1692 when she sailed out to sea at Barfleur point with a 45 ship squadron. Captained by Admiral Tourville, she defeated 97 English and Dutch ships. Decoration model in wood with high quality finishes, varnished and fully assembled by hand.
Reproduction of a model inspired by the sailing boat Pen Duick (1898), one of the boats used by the famous French navigator Eric Tabarly and designed by Scotsman William Fife. The name Pen Duick in Breton means "little black head", a term used to refer to the black-capped tit. Handcrafted in wood and hand painted.
Model ship made in wood, painted and built completely by hand of a XVI century frigate. A nautical souvenir for the lovers of naval history. The frigate was a warship whose mission was to protect the merchants at high sea, patrolling and escort.
Fully assembled model. Hand-painted and handmade from wood.
HANDMADE DECORATIVE PIRATE BOAT. Decorative small model boat of a pirate galleon made of wood, painted and completely assembled by hand. Sizes: 38,5x38,5x8 cm.
The Bluenose (1921), built for cod fishing, was a legendary racing schooner designed by William Roué. She was launched on 26 March in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia (Canada) and her name derives from the nick-name for Nova Scotians. Model boat in wood, painted and assembled by hand. Packaging: Dismantled mast.
FRAGATA CUAUHTEMOC Ship school of the Navy of Mexico in which the cadets of the Heroic Naval Military School make their practice trips.